Product comparison
NETx MP Server
NETx BMS Platform
- Multi-protokoll gateway
Connects several interfaces to the field level
- Import of the device configuration
For KNX ETS projects, BACnet discovery, OPC/BMS explorer
- Monitoring
Field level and management level analysis
- Programming of logics
LUA Script, graphic programming
- Clustering
Data exchange between servers
- Alarm management
Definition of alarms, display of alarm lists
- Trending
Historical database
- Scheduling
Time-based events
- Reporting
Creation of PDF, Excel, ... reports
- Web-based visualization
Access with all devices with a web browser
- Web-based management
Web Manager including user administration
- PC-based visualization
Access with windows devices
Interfaces to the management level
Makes data available for other OPC clients
- BACnet/IP
Provides data for BACnet clients
- oBIX
Provides data for oBIX clients
Provides data via MQTT
MariaDB, MS SQL server for historical data
- Web
Web manager and web visualization
Interfaces to the field level
- Secure KNXnet/IP tunnelling
- KNXnet/IP tunnelling
- KNXnet/IP routing
- BACnet/IP
- Other BACnet media (BACnet MS/TP, ...)
- Modbus/TCP
- Modbus RTU over IP
v1, v2, v3
Integration of other OPC servers
- HTTP and web services
Integration of data from HTTP servers and web service gateways
- Helvar
Intelligent lighting solution
Digital Addressable Lighting Interface - with hardware gateway
- with hardware gateway
- DMX512
Stage lights and effects - with hardware gateway
- with hardware gateway
- EnOcean
Wireless building automation - with hardware gateway
- with hardware gateway
- M-Bus
Europ. standard for remote reading of smart meters - with hardware gateway
- with hardware gateway
Interfaces to hotel management systems
- Fidelio/Opera
- Protel
- Mews
- Infor
- VingCard
- Kaba
- Webtool - manage multiple servers from a single location
- Main/backup solution - redundant system - hot standby
Open interfaces / API
- via LUA Script, UDP, TCP, RS-232 protocol
- via C# .NET API
- Special interfaces
on request