Further references

BMS for all building types

Our software is versatile and can be used in a wide variety of projects.





 Gestión de alarmas

 Gestión hotelera

 Sistemas de apertura de puerta



Garden Factory (Hero Moto Corp)


NETx BMS Server, NETxVoyager
Trades: lighting, HVAC
System integrator: Entelechy Systems

The Garden Factory is a manufacturing plant and parts center for the two-wheeer manufacturer Hero Moto Corp. Their effort to bring togehter innovation and nature was rewarded with beeing Indias first Platinum-rated plant. The task of Entelechy Systems was to provide an energy-saving lighting system that is connected to HVAC, SCADA and BMS systems.


Case Study: Manufacturing Plant in Rajasthan, India uses KNX for Energy-Efficient Lighting

Mercedes Benz Museum Stuttgart
SYS.TEC Gebäudeautomation GmbH & Co. KG
Welios Science Center
Wels, Austria
Wissensturm Linz
Linz, Austria
EQOS-ENERGIE Österreich GmbH
Vienna State Opera
Vienna, Austria
Art for Art, Theaterservice GmbH
Medina Central
Medina, Qatar
KEO International
National Exhibition Center ADNEC
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Kayseri Anatolia Wonderland
Kayseri, Turkey
Emes Electromechanical Ind&Trd.Co Ltd.